The NETVRIDA is a regional economic development organization. Ten power distributors with service areas in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia form the membership of the organization along with the Tennessee Valley Authority.
See what we can do to help with your site selection and business development activities. Let us make your job easier by networking with our staff and member agencies. Contact us to learn more about the NETVRIDA European Union initiative. Join Hebmueller Aerospace and other EU companies finding success in Northeast Tennessee.
Our Region
The Northeast Tennessee Valley Regional Industrial Development Association (NETVRIDA) covers 13 counties, 10 in Northeast Tennessee and 3 in Southwest Virginia.
The Tri-Cities area has vast experience in supporting foreign companies during their internationalization process. This is depicted in the variety of international companies that call the Tri-Cities area their home away from home.
Manufacturing and Distribution Facilities
Industrial Properties
Labor Statistics
Tax Information
Financial Assistance
Employee Training
Financial Assistance
Technical Assistance
Business Sectors
Regional Manufacturers Directory
Chemicals/ Plastics
Data Centers
Distribution and Logistics
Food Processing